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Lucky Six


“I’m not a very superstitious person,” said Mr. Sixdorf, when he ordered drinks for the entire table, “however sometimes you just have to, even if you’re a rational person. Today is the 6th of June. I had something to do with a guy that lives nearby the horse racetrack. He wasn’t home. When I called him, he said he would be there at six. I didn’t know what I should do with all that time so I decided that I will look at horses. Looking at the schedule – I don’t understand it that much, I just saw some Italian comedy movie once – I noticed a horse named Lucky Six. Sixth race. You just cannot resist this, and with a name like mine to boot. So I took six hundred and sixty-six euros and placed a bet on Lucky Six. And what do you think happened?”

That we are drinking to drown your grief today, thought Berg. “The horse finished sixth, that’s clear,” said he out loud.

Mr. Sixdorf smiled and tapped with his finger on his bulging wallet.

“Of course he did. And that is exactly what I placed a bet on.”


© 2019





"Things just happen. What the hell."
* Terry Pratchett. Hogfather


Welcome to my world. For the longest time I couldn’t think of right name for this place, so I left it without one. Amongst things you can find here are attempts of science fiction and fantasy stories, my collection of gods, bogeymen and monsters and also articles about things that had me interested, be it for a while or for years. (There is more of this, sadly not in English but in Czech, on www.fext.cz)



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