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Grumpy the Oak shook his branches.

"When was the last time it rained properly?" he asked the red squirrel.

"Yesterday," replied Red.

"You call that rain? Or the last five winters - it hasn't even been proper snow. And what is wrong with woodpeckers today? They're used to be strong. And gentle. Worked hard. Not like their youngs."

The tree fell silent. Not for long.

"Look at that bird. I thought it was flying over here - and it landed in the bush. And they're all like that. Nobody sits on me; everybody avoids me. Why? My branches are strong. I'm the healthiest and strongest tree around, but those goofs make their nests on snags. Can you believe it?"

"I can," said Red. "Listen to yourself. You're grumbling, complaining, whining all the time. And it sounds like you've already uprooted yourself."





"Things just happen. What the hell."
* Terry Pratchett. Hogfather


Welcome to my world. For the longest time I couldn’t think of right name for this place, so I left it without one. Amongst things you can find here are attempts of science fiction and fantasy stories, my collection of gods, bogeymen and monsters and also articles about things that had me interested, be it for a while or for years. (There is more of this, sadly not in English but in Czech, on www.fext.cz)



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